5 Amazing Benefits of a Skincare Finder

4 minute read
Skincare Finder

At Skin Match Technology our ethos is cultivating transparency and inclusivity in the beauty industry to help brands make their consumers feel unique. Our way of achieving this is by developing a skincare finder which we have recently helped male grooming retailers BEAST and MISTR implement for their consumers. Skin Match Technology is always partnering with the best brands with the best skin care products which is why we saw the fruitful opportunity to team up with men-only grooming platforms BEAST and MISTR to showcase how the skincare advisor and the services we offer are completely adaptable to any market and brands that focus on a more exclusive market. This guide will give you an insight into the benefits of a digital skincare advisor and why it is becoming imperative if you want your brand at forefront of beauty tech.

Why a skincare advisor is important?

74% of consumers feel uninterested when content is not about them, this is why it is so important for beauty brands to get to know their consumers and an online skin analysis is the most beneficial way for brands and consumers. By offering a skin care advisor on your brands’ site, you gain results and begin to know what type of consumers you have, once you know your consumers you know what they want and what to supply them with. Another reason why a skin care advisor is important is because of the health climate that we are in. The Covid pandemic catapulted many industries into a state of panic which forced them to evolve faster and make adjustments which ensure the safety of consumers and employees but still delivers seamless service to consumers which do not affect sales. A skin care advisor is social distance friendly, its a way to proved consumers with their very own consultation in the comfort and safety of their own homes. Consultations are important and administering the correct consultation is even more important, it’s something consumers rely on because they actually grow to trust their beauty brands and find it a challenge and disappointing if they feel they need to change brands.

57% of consumers say that they will not buy cosmetics if there is no consultation, I.e consumers need more information and need to know they can count on their brands.

So how does it work?

The online skincare consultation is created in an extremely user-friendly way to ensure that consumers want to use it and are excited to know which products fit their skin type and preferences. In order to make accurate recommendations brands have to avoid the big data approach which generalizes consumers based on majority results. It is important that consumers feel seen and the best way to do that is to provide results made just for that specific customer. We considered the key factors about the consumer and their skincare routines like allergies, gender, skin conditions at different times of the day, and what skin goals the customer would like to achieve. This leads to the way in which the skincare advisor is set up- in the form of a questionnaire and by the end of the questionnaire the customer receives a detailed skin care routine. In the case of BEAST and MISTR, the male customer with receive a  4 step skin care routine which includes moisturizer recommendation and even grooming/ facial hair care amongst other recommendations. 

Benefits of the skincare Finder

Encourages transparency by providing customers with an outline of the ingredients.

  1. Provides consumers with a trusted digital consultation tool that they can access anywhere.
  2. Allows brands to get to know their consumers; demographic, skin types, ethnicities
  3. By allowing brands to know their consumer’s brands can start being more inclusive.
  4. Provides consumers with a sense of individuality

It is a widely known fact that personalized product recommendations are one of the main marketing tools of any online store. They help you sell more to every customer.

Ingredient Transparency

Get full ingredient lists simplified & explained for everyone.