Beauty Trend Analysis: Anti Aging is The No.1 Topic Online.
Product category
Almost 70% of online buyers of skincare cosmetics are interested in Anti-Aging products and spend an average of 148.- per purchase. However, sustainability issues are also becoming increasingly relevant and, along with the packaging design, they both influence purchasing decisions. Using AI in cosmetics is important to ensure your brand is on top of all beauty trends in order to provide our clients with the best information and services, here are the trendsetting results of our first Data Analysis.
Online retailers boasted strong growth trends, also in AI in cosmetics. According to a study by the market research company Nielson Company, skincare accounts for the largest market share of almost 20%.
We have conducted a representative analysis of over 200 brands, 20,000 products, and 1,500 randomly selected, anonymous customer profiles to get to the bottom of their needs and understand their purchase motivation.
The largest group of online buyers are women between 35 – 30 years of age, with 26.3%. Nearly almost one fifth (19.2%) are women aged between 40 – 45 years. However, 70% of all skin care customers, regardless of age, are interested in one thing: Anti-Aging.
Elasticity, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles as well as a moisture and an even skin appearance are the essential requirements of online customers who are looking for a “perfect” skin. They spend an average of 148.- per purchase in this segment.
A tendency that has not changed even with Online Retailers: Packaging design is decisive for pricing
Although the initial purchasing decision is made on the care requirements, the accepted purchase price is connected to the packaging design. The unambiguous result of the study: With Anti-Aging daily care, customers spend an average of 124.- more per product on packaging with an elegant glass design than on plastic packaging with lots of text, which is reminiscent of products from the pharmacy.